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Our Journey
September 2012
Albatross is founded
With a desire to change the world, and avoid a real job, Alex setup Albatross Clothing from his bedroom.
December 2012
We launch our first online store
Created with some help from friends we built our first website; selling eco friendly, organic clothing.
May 2013
Our Summer Collection Launches
With money saved up from Xmas sales, we launched a wider range of organic t-shirts and vests, as well as re-vamping the website.
October 2013
We ran out of Money and had to press pause
It was a blessing in disguise, as this allowed Alex to work on several other projects in the textiles industry; providing the opportunity to learn even more about the problems in the textiles industry and better ways to tackle them.
January 2015
Things seem to be going well
Along the way Alex met Mike, and with a shared interest in textiles and doing things the right way, they went on to win a number of awards for their contribution to sustainability and ethical practice in the textiles industry.
September 2015
We start seeing sales
Despite putting everything on pause, Alex didn’t delete the website, and sales start to trickle in.
November 2015
Testing testing
With a new faith in the business and Mike on board too, we've re-built the website and deliver a new (and better) range.
January 2016
Hang on this is working?!
We had an amazing Christmas, and continued to succeed in the new year. We’ve also come up with some ways we can create even more positive change through the business.
Thank You!
A big thank you, to all the people that continue to support our business and use their purchasing power for positive change.
You keep our vision alive, you change lives.