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You pick out products you love from our 3 collections.
How It Works
Every product changes someone's life, by providing them with clean drinking water.
Spread the word, help us to change even more lives.
Why Water
About 1% of the water found on earth is drinkable. We then use 70% of that drinkable water to grow our crops, cotton being one of these; and cotton is a very thirsty crop. A standard t-shirt takes about 2,700 litres of water to produce, that is enough water for one person to drink for 900 days! These numbers also fail to count the most frustrating part of it all, and that’s the aftermath, with vast amounts of pollution to water created by the fashion industry, with the chemicals used on farms and in factories having a severe impact on the health of workers and ecosystems. Water is life, and without it we simply wouldn’t exist. With this in mind we wanted to do things very differently, which is why we not only source our products carefully, but also give back. Every product you purchase, changes a person’s life, providing someone with clean water who was previously living without. We provide this support through our giving partner Drop4Drop.
To find out more about some of the problems lack of water causes, visit our giving partners website.
What your purchase provides
For every $1 invested in water and sanitation there is an economic return of between $3 - $34.
When children no longer have to collect water they can spend more time in education.
Time freed up from water collection means more time for work, therefore increasing long term productivity.
Hygiene education and practices heavily reduce the amount of water related diseases and deaths in the communities.
Access to clean water transforms lives, creates opportunities and lays the foundations to a brighter future.